Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Headache, you can be such a headache, yeah

I really wish I had a good excuse for not blogging, but other than turning 30 (geeeezzzus) last month and getting bitch slapped with a ton of work ("Hey, do you know how to do this? No? Okay, do it anyway."), I don't. And I haven't even logged in to read everyone's blogs, so I feel extra guilty.

Yesterday I had a monster headache that just would NOT go away. I get headaches relatively frequently (at least once a week), although the frequency lessened a bit when my mom treated me to my first treatment of Dysport in December... The effect was amazing, yet horrifying – I couldn't frown AT ALL – and I think the headaches resulting from tension disappeared. But the sinus headaches, like the one that jumped on me yesterday and pinned me to the couch, have not. And considering the serious amount of rain/humidity we've had in the past few days, I'm not surprised – that seems to be my trigger. That, and being hungover.

I took 400 mg of ibuprofen when I got home, which did nothing. Then another 400 mg about an hour later after I ate something, which sort of helped, but I could still feel the headache's tentacles on the edge of my brain: "Just you wait, girlie... I'm still here!" Finally resorted to doing a sinus rinse and took Tylenol before bed along with a Benadryl just in case.

Fortunately, I woke up and the headache was gone... but now it's slowly starting to creep its way back in. Doesn't help that I just dug out an emergency tampon from my bag, either. Don't you all being (since everyone who reads this blog is) female?!

That being said, I said I would see a neurologist to try and get some stronger meds for when the ibuprofen/Tylenol combo isn't enough, and I still haven't. My sister gave me two of her Fioricet to try when she visited last year, and that stuff worked like magic, so I'm hoping that's all I need.

Anyway. I have more to share, hopefully tomorrow... this past weekend was VERY interesting, as I had to make a 911 call for someone. And I'm cat-sitting for my neighbors upstairs starting Thursday... the male cat is kind of creepy smart, so I may have some interesting stories about him.

Post title song reference: "Headache" by Weezer


  1. Hate the headaches! I get migraines AND sinus headaches, and like you said, weather lately has been crazy for triggering headaches. Between all the rain and storms and temperature fluctuations, it's hard to keep on an even keel!

    Hope you get the headaches under control and I look forward to your additional post!

  2. Ouch! I'd definitely visit a neurologist and see if you can figure out why you have the constant headaches and what is to be done about it. And I'm sure since you're a chronic headache sufferer that you've probably tried everything... but, I sometimes find this method is effective with reducing mild headaches - maybe it would work for you? http://www.handle.org/about/sample_activities/face-tapping.html
    It's a little quack-tastic... but I always think things are worth trying at least once ;-)

    Good luck with that mean ol' head!
