Monday, August 5, 2013

Sometimes you just got to show how you feel

It's weird how a somewhat good day can turn right on its head into an ugly one with a phone call.

Long story short(ish), a few weeks ago I made a last minute decision to fly to Europe to see my grandmother, who I haven't seen since she left the U.S. about 6 years ago. She's getting up there in years, and my parents were already going, so this was an opportune time to go.

The only issue was that I had a major sports-related appointment in the middle of their trip. I couldn't move the appointment any earlier, but there was an opening the day after I came back. However, that was also the day I was scheduled for minor eye surgery (not Lasix :)), and to try and do the two on the same day was too much to handle, especially after flying back from Europe the night before. After much hemming and hawing, I decided to fly out right after my appointment on Friday, then come back the next Wednesday with my parents (which coincided well with my Thursday eye surgery, so they could pick me up after it was over).

Well, today I get a voicemail from my doctor's office, saying they hadn't received the new photos of my eye needed to get the pre-approval from my insurance company for the procedure. I was confused, because I had sent the photos almost two weeks ago. I called the office and told them that, and the receptionist told me the nurse I'd emailed them to never received them. As a result, I'd have to change my surgery date because they couldn't get the pre-approval in time for next Thursday's and wait another MONTH to have it done.

I was pissed. I had specifically built my travel plans around this damn surgery, only to have the doctor's office screw up. One would think if they hadn't gotten the photos I'd promised to send when they reminded me on July 22nd, they would have called! But I did send them, on July 24th, and now I'm being told they were never received. (Maybe, just maybe, if your office had its own email address and you weren't relying on someone's personal account, we wouldn't have had this issue!)

I forwarded the original message back to her and told her to check the email again. I was so upset that I hung up the phone and started crying at my desk because a) all that stressing/planning was for absolutely nothing, and b) now I'm going to have stitches in my eyelid right in the middle of competition season, which fucking sucks. I'm still furious, because I have the original email that clearly has the two photos, and it was sent with plenty of time to process the pre-approval. It was THEIR mistake, not mine, although obviously I should have called and confirmed they'd received them, since they didn't let me know they hadn't. (Since I had sent/received email from them before, there's no reason why it would get "lost" or sent to the spam folder.)

Jeez. I'm sorry for the two negative posts in a row, but I hate, hate, hate it when crap like this happens. I specifically told work that I'd take a sick day for the surgery, but now that I'm going to be home, there's no sense in me not going into work, since I have the world's worst vacation accrual policy and the three days I'm taking in Sweden are 25% of my current vacation allotment. (Meanwhile, I get to listen to my cubiclemate prepare fun work international travel plans and get twice as much vacation because of the comp time she receives while on travel.) It's annoying because if my sick leave were just PTO, I'd have oodles of vacation time. (I swear, sick leave is discriminatory towards single, healthy people without kids.)

Stop being upset over nothing, self. You didn't cry when you saw Josh making out with some chick at a dance party this past Saturday (story for another time), why should something like this cue the waterworks?

Post title song reference: "You're So Real" - Matchbox 20

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