Monday, February 4, 2013

My head feels like I musta' had some fun

Ever have such a bad hangover that you literally spent the entire day in some sort of horizontal position?

Yeah, that was me yesterday. I haven't had one of these horrifically bad mornings-after in a long time, and it sucked.

One of my friends and I went to this fancy black-tie fundraiser party on Saturday night. I've been to this event in years past, so I was excited to go again because they have a great band, open bar, and MINI CUPCAKES. NOMMM. However, I made the huge, huge mistake of drinking too much, too fast (damn you, open bar), because I wasn't feeling the effects right away. I think I had at least four or five mixed drinks (oof), and even worse, I took a shot at the after-party. (Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.) So, by the time I stumbled home, it was 3 AM, and I was so obnoxiously drunk that I went to bed still wearing my long coat and scarf. That's embarrassing. Normally I at least have the coherence to change clothes and take the clean unfolded laundry off my bed.

Needless to say, Sunday was awful. The sinus headache, the nausea, the shakiness just about killed me. I feel like someone ran over me with a truck, backed up, and then ran me over three more times just to make sure I was sufficiently dead. I didn't have any Gatorade (that's usually what helps the most), and I was too nauseous to eat, so I couldn't take any ibuprofen for the headache.

I finally felt about 75% by 11 PM. Unfortunately, I wasn't very tired (thanks to sleeping on and off all day), so I didn't fall asleep until around 2, and today I'm still feeling tired and a little headache-y.

So! Lesson learned, hopefully for the last time. If you don't feel buzzed after a couple of drinks, don't keep drinking. Slow the fuck down when doing open bar, unless you want to waste a full 24 hours of a weekend day recovering. The 'fun' isn't worth it. Gahhh.

Post title song reference: "What Happened?" - Sublime

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