Wednesday, December 12, 2012

But then I just smile, I go ahead and smile

Weird. D has been completely MIA in the past three weeks or so -- no blog posts, no tweets, no Facebook updates. I called him last week and left a message just to make sure he was still alive (okay, and to possibly poke the bear to see if he'd fess up to taking Jailbait back, because he never told me directly), but nothing. I almost texted him [jokingly] asking if she was keeping him locked up in her basement, but decided against it.

Well, stupid Facebook managed to ruin my day. I unsubscribed D from my Newsfeed at least a year ago, which actually helped a LOT with [trying] to get over him. However, since he's been off the grid, I checked his profile today to see if he's resurfaced.

Good timing, Lis. Jailbait had written on his wall less than a hour before. Being the deep thinker she is, her post consisted of "<3". How romantic!

And me, being the immature, cranky-because-it's-only-Wednesday-but-feels-like-Thursday grump I am, decided to push her teenage declaration of love down the feed by sharing a video of a cat playing Ping-Pong. (In all fairness, I added the caption, "Why is this not on your sports blog yet?!", because it is pretty amazing.)

I'm going to feign innocence here. Oh, I didn't mean to shove down Jailbait's cute little heart icon! I really thought that video was worth sharing... my timing was just really bad. I'm sure her thoughfulness totally negates any and all pain she's caused you.

I know, I'm immature. I realize that I've accomplished nothing other than looking like a dork, but it kinda made me feel a little better.

But seriously, "<3"?


  1. I had a friend who's girlfriend HATED me. Every time I would post something on his wall, she would make a point of putting a stupid heart or "i love you" post within MINUTES of me. It became painfully obvious what she was doing and I felt like telling her to pee a circle around him, it would be more effective.

    1. Hahaha! Considering her profile photo always has him in it (for at least 6 months, they had matching photos of them practically making out... vom), I wouldn't put it past her. It's kind of sad how clingy she is... but he obviously relishes it.

      It's funny that about 7 hours later, the only person who has "liked" her post is her equally annoying friend. (Sadly no one has liked mine, but I understand some people just don't enjoy cat humor.)
