Monday, December 10, 2012

Well, I don't have any hesitations about THIS one...

I wish I had exciting news to report... such as, "I went to a theme party on Friday and met a freaking awesome guy who's amazing and we're going out this week." The first part is true. The second part is not-so-true.

I did go to a large hosted theme party on Friday. Unfortunately, I managed to catch the eye of a guy who, in the end, creeped me the fuck out by the end of the night.

Long story short – met and talked with some decent guys at this club-hosted party. (I love these types of events, because some people go all-out with their outfits/costumes... and then you have the girls that show up in not-theme-appropriate cocktail dresses and heels and look like fish out of water.) I talked to one guy (we'll call him Craig) for maybe a total of 5-10 minutes, and was interested enough that I was smiley and friendly to him whenever I saw him in passing.

However, the "after party" at a nearby bar was a different story. Craig was also there, but at this point in the evening he was looking for a hookup. I was not. In fact, I saw him being overly friendly with at least two other girls at the bar in the hour or so I was there. That alone dialed my interest down from about a 7/10 to a 4.

I found myself talking to him at the bar while I settled my tab, he kept being handsy and trying to rub my back and other creepy moves that I don't really enjoy being performed by guys I barely know. Then, as I was about to leave, Craig kept trying to hint that he wanted to go home with me. For example, "Why don't we share a cab back?" (We both live in the same part of the city, but different neighborhoods.) Me: "I'm actually walking home, thanks." Finally, as I reiterated MANY times that I was going home alone that night, he says, "I can't interest you in going home with me?" Me: "I'm too old for that kind of thing." [And you are, too, buddy.]

Side note: in truth, if I met a guy at a bar and was VERY into him physically, drunk as hell, and looking for a fling, then I might go home with him or at least make out for awhile. However, since my emotions were in check and Craig had already dropped to a 2 on my interest level thanks to the unasked-for touching, it was a big fat NO:  do not pass go, do not take off my clothes.

Finally, Craig does what he should have done in the FIRST PLACE, before propositioning me: asked me for my number. Me, being a wimp, give it to him, but leave feeling like I needed to take a shower and get the slime off my body.

Anyway, Craig called last night. I let it roll to voicemail, and then he left a text asking to get coffee or drinks. (No voice message? Come on.) Thanks, but no thanks. It's too bad, because I would have been perfectly willing to go out with him had he been a gentleman at the bar!

Gah. I mean, GAH! Why are guys so freaking weird sometimes?!


  1. Because they're guys? I have gone on what feels like a million bad first dates. I mean come on, I had a guy ask me if I ever made a man cry! I was like, um do you mean on purpose? WTF!!

    Some guys just don't understand that for women, first impressions really do mean a lot.

  2. ewww. I can totally picture the scene of you guys at the bar while you were settling your tab. I feel like I need a shower just reading this.
