Thursday, July 11, 2013

Got my mind set on you

I made the mistake of buying a cupcake for dessert, eating 75% of it, and then finishing the rest a few hours later. I'm literally vibrating from the sugar overdose. I can't stop shaking my leg and I was starting to get a headache.

But man, it was SO GOOD. Chocolate and vanilla cream cheese marble cake with cream cheese frosting. DELISH. A reminder of why I only allow myself to have cake once in awhile, because I have no self control over sweets.

Anyway, Bluemoon's post about climbing out of the online dating pool in September reminds me that I need to get more involved in it. This past weekend, I went on OKCupid and updated some of my profile (considering I logged in maybe once a month, that's pretty big. And it apparently bumps your profile back up, because I started getting all these messages and visitors). I went to my favorites list, and (sad to say?) a lot of my favorites were still active. I don't know, maybe it's a good thing, considering I had only messaged one of them in the past six months. (He didn't respond.)

As I was "window shopping," I looked at this guy's profile that sounded amazing. I don't want to go into too much detail, but the more I read, the more excited I got: "Dude, he's SO FREAKING CUTE on paper! And in photos! And it sounds like he has an accent! AND HE HAS GLASSES!" (I've had a glasses fetish since I was like, 7. It's kind of sad/weird.)

And, go figure, I sent him a little message (nothing too serious), and he hasn't responded. Or checked out my profile.


Is this karma for me not replying to messages I've received? Granted, I haven't read most of them (I feel skeezy doing it at work, and my hard drive died on my laptop, so I've had to resort to my phone), but still. The ultimate men-and-women dating issue: why is he not interested when I express interest in him, and vice versa?

What I need to do is reply to messages that interest me, send a few messages to ones on my favorite list, and forget about the adorable guy and move along. Right? I'm going out for drinks with Noah tonight, the guy who used to work in my office... I like him but he's just really, really smart and I don't really feel much connection with him. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, OKC guy could still respond, you never know. Some people don't check it as often as I do. ;)
