Monday, January 28, 2013

Cleanup/ass covering

Okay, since Blogger doesn't allow us to change the privacy of individual posts, I'm going to revert those two posts about my [admittedly stupid actions] back to draft. The likelihood of someone linking this blog to my real life persona is low, but in the event it does happen, I'd have a lot of explaining to do to any future employers. ;)

Anyway, they'll stay as draft so I can keep the comments and remember that poor decisions do happen. And hopefully I haven't scared off any potential followers... although the three that I do have are pretty awesome!


  1. If anything blogging has taught me that sometimes I'm crazier than I think, and sometimes I'm more normal than I could ever imagine. Every post, and every comment is a learning experience.

  2. I respect your decision, but also want you to know I don't judge you for anything you've done, and you're stuck with me as a follower. ;) Glad you're keeping it in draft form, even if just for your own purposes!
